Tuesday, February 11, 2014

a $3 dress, and floral wallpaper.

couldn't resist this $3 dress at the thrift store last week:)
(We really do brush her hair, I promise! it just wants to do this most of the time, despite our efforts.)
^this is Emmy's new thing- the sideways glance, 
which she does when she knows she is being cute,
 or when she knows she's being naughty-
Usually both at the same time these days;)

& P.S.-
You've probably never this "lovely" baby-blue hallway,
we try not to let people go upstairs:)
Everything up there has been on the last of our list of things to re-do,
Well, the neglected upstairs hallway will soon be covered in pretty floral wallpaper! A dream of mine:)
(Yes, I have a very gracious and loving husband!)

It is fun to have little things like this, a cute thrift-store dress that's just slightly too big for Emmy,
 and wallpaper samples on the wall, to get excited about in this crazy winter!

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