Saturday, November 17, 2012

 On Thursday, I had one of *those* days. And
my awesome husband had a good idea, "Want to come to work with me tomorrow?" He had to go to Bucks County for the day, very close to where my sister Robin lives. I texted Robin and she welcomed Emmy and me for a last minute visit for the next day while Bron worked in the area. It was such a fun time!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Emmylou's newest discoveries,

Today, here is a list of Emmy's new little things that make her seem more and more like a little person. Most of these things fall under the category of 'normal baby things that are only exciting to parents', hehe, but I thought I'd share even so.
 A particulary cute one to me is that she has been sucking her little thumb- we are hoping that means our days of running upstairs to put her pacifier back in her mouth during naps shall soon be but a memory. I used to suck my thumb as a little girl, so it is especially sweet to me. We'll try not to let it last till she is 11 though! :)

And here you can see why we have to run upstairs for her pacifier. She figured out how to take it out of her little mouth and hold it, which is usually quite cute.

Her two favorite past times these days: hopping in her jumpy seat, and kicking off one sock when we are not looking. That second one has been going on since her first weeks however. Bron and I pretty much can't take the cute-ness of Emmy when she is in this thing.  That inspired us this past weekend to take a walk with Emmy to a park nearby and see if she'd like the baby swings- and she did, but it was probably a little too soon. It will be fun to take her over there when she gets a little older.

Also, she is now interested in toys and blankets, and likes to snuggle and chew on whatever she can get her hands on. ...She also likes to snuggle and chew and pull hair, which is a little less cute.


 And lastly, she is now obsessed with our food! She watches us so intensely and curiously as we eat. I was hoping to wait a bit past the 6 month mark to begin introducing solids, but I don't think I'll be able to resist.