Thursday, January 23, 2014

Conversation with an 18 month old,. a video

Emmy turned 18 months old this weekend! Which is the age we've decided to try potty-training. It's a little early, so it's more of a "potty-awareness", because she's never actually used the toilet. So, all the sudden we have a little toddler who has a potty, and lots to say.

Amidst all the hustle and bustle of work on the house, Emmy has really been learning to talk well! In the past couple weeks, we've been realizing we can basically hold a conversation with her. She has a couple of stories she cycles through often- the story of when my parent's dog bit her and so she calls Mikey "hot!" (meaning hurts to touch, like an oven), she talks about the pictures of family and cats that Granddad shows her on his phone whenever he comes to visit. This week she is telling the story of "Tom", my 16 year old sister's boyfriend who we just met for the first time, and for some reason Emmy flung herself onto him and ignored everyone else at my nephew's birthday party.

Pretty much all day, she excitedly lists all the people she knows. She talks about her friend Atiyah (Taa-Taa) every hour! and has twice tried to escape to the front door calling her name. They live around the corner from us, so it made perfect sense in her little mind. We have a feeling she is going to be an extrovert, which is not like either of us, so it's kind of funny to us.

Emmy is camera-shy for some reason, but I tried to coax some of her favorite words and topics out of her over breakfast with this video.

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