Friday, April 12, 2013

This week.

We welcomed two new happy changes into our life this week. The first- beautiful, warm (well, hot!) weather! There are blossoming trees on almost every block of our little city. I've been taking walks with Emmy in her red stoller every day, and letting her play for a little while outside. She loves being outside. She looks so in awe of all the new things she is seeing. (And she is getting pretty good at responding to "no", like when I tell her not to eat flowers and grass and rocks.)
*The picture documents the time when her bedroom was too hot for her to fall sleep in, so she slept in her playpen. Doesn't she look enormous? She is growing so fast.

The second welcome our new dining room set! Bron called me at work, saying he had just seen that there was a new set at our local used furniture place. The put pictures up of their new things on facebook as they come. He sent me the picture, and I met him at work, and we bought it for $75. 
We're so thankful! I had found something before Easter that I thought would work, and Bron said he preferred that we wait for something better. I am so thankful for his leadership there, and wisdom. It was so worth the wait- it cost so much less, and it suits our needs so much better. Life is feeling like an adventure lately, as we watch God provide for our needs and make our house more into a home.

Looking forward to more warm weather, and more fun outside with Emmylou, and making use of our new space and table. Hope you are all enjoying Spring!


  1. Liz, I think it's kinda fun that we are both in seasons of "watching God provide for our needs and make our house more into a home." I hadn't really thought of it before, but we are in the same season in that way. I like seeing your home come together more and more. :)

    1. Oh you are right Sarah:) It is fun to be in this together.
