Thursday, April 11, 2013

Our weekend in DC,

I had mentioned to Bron within the last year that I would love to see the cherry blossom trees in DC sometime. And little did I know, that he was planning a weekend away for our little family, as a late birthday present. We stayed with friends, which was such a blessing and we so enjoyed getting to hang out with them. It was so nice to be away, together, with nothing to do but enjoy eachother. Emmy slept well, and even napped on a blanket in the grass when we were out and about. God gave us such a beautiful day! The sky was so blue, and the sun was so bright. It really made it feel like Spring was here. Here are a few pictures of our fun day out.


  1. aw yay. we did this same thing this time last year....except we went to the holocost museum...soo...kind of different. the trees are beautiful. and i love emmys hat. : )

    1. holocaust museum, i thinki remember you guys doing that- i would actually like to see that someday! and thanks~me too! i'm surprised she keeps it on,
