Thursday, December 12, 2013

November Highlights,

 My friend Felicity told me that I need to post some more pictures of Emmylou on our blog. So, Hi Felicity, and here are some pictures!:) It is already almost halfway through December, but here are a couple highlights from last month. 

Emmy had her 15 month doctor's appointment, though she was closer to 16 months at that point. She weighs almost 23 pounds!
My friend Linda from church, and who lives right around the corner, was inspired to do a photo shoot of our little girls. They are 6 months apart, Emmy and Emilie. We are in the the same care group, and people are always mixing thier names up.
If you are wondering, this is our lovely parking lot beside our house. Their age difference was pretty obvious that day....
Emmy was running away every chance she got, while Emilie curiously tried to eat things on the ground.

Linda did such a good job!

Here is Emmy at her new little table. from Ikea for $20!

Thankful for our new living room! (Oh, I will post pictures of this soon.) It came just in time for our first family illness:( Here is Bron trying to rest on our new couch, and Emmy who thinks it's a game.

Thankfully it did not last too long for Emmy and I. Emmy's sickness was the least of all, thank the Lord. ( Note to friends- Hyland's 'Tiny Cold' medicine works so well!) But when Thanksgiving came around, Bron was still sick. For Thanksgiving day, I went all by myself to my family's house. It was actually sort of fun in a strange way, to go alone! But I did not take any pictures...

 We had planned to go to the Irwin's that evening, but Bron wasn't feeling well- so we went Friday afternoon, and we stayed until Sunday. It was such fun! Both of Bron's brothers were there, and his cousins and Aunt and Uncle came Sunday. Here are a few random moments of that weekend.

Emmy eating yummy leftovers for lunch, amidst all the family bustle.

She never naps very well when we visit family. She fell asleep on Bron. She is wearing new party shoes from a bag of hand-me-downs from cousin Kairi:)
Begging Granddad for some of cousin Hawk's banana.

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