Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just for you grandparents;)

Here's a little snippet of our daily life as of now. We were waiting for Bron to get home from work. (My favorite part of the day! Though I bet it's one of Emmy's too.) Piles of books and toys in the background, and Emmy walking with her favorite doll of the day in hand.

She has a new little trick, of snuggling her baby and giving her kisses when we say "love your baby". It's sweet to see her understand things like that. She will also go get books when we ask her to, or find her doll when we ask. So smart! Currently we are trying to teach her some sort of alternative to screaming when she would like more food on her highchair tray. That little communication is not as cute! My mom says we should say  "please", whenever she does that, then "thankyou" when giving her the food. Oh well, hehe. I'm glad she wants more food!

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