Thursday, January 24, 2013

Loving the mornings,

I am so thankful for Bron! As I mentioned a few posts ago- getting up early, even after a harder night with Emmy, is just so good for me. Bron has been waking me every morning around 6:30- an hour or so after he wakes. I try not to think about how much sleep I just got, and I get out of bed and make my way downstairs to the coffee Bron has made ready for me. And then, I can have my time with the Lord on the couch with my coffee and heated blanket. It really is my favorite part of the day, even though 10 minutes before I get there, I may not have a hard time believing it.

Emmy wakes within an hour, and she is at her cutest in the early morning. She sits in her seat in the kitchen and does cute things while Bron and I have breakfast together.

And now of course, Emmy eats breakfast with us too! Here she is this morning, with remnants of her egg yolk and avocado breakfast all over her face. She loved it. Oh, and I promise- egg yolks are a really good first food for babies! Google it. :)

Another nice thing about Emmy in our life is that I now have a partner in crime for trying to get Bron to not leave as early for work. Here she is trying to keep him from putting his shoes on and getting out the door.

I love getting up early and starting the day this way. I love that I can be with Bron before our very different days begin. Lately I tell him that I wish he was just going out into the field, and he would be back in the kitchen in time for lunch. But that probably won't be for many years.  I think all this time alone, wishing we lived on a farm and not in our city home is making me a little wierd. :)

Speaking of our city home, you may not know- but Bron is doing alot of renovations around here. He recently knocked a wall down to open up our dining room, -without any help! Someday in the not too distant future, Bron will post about all he's doing. We're really excited!


  1. I don't like to imagine that you are getting "weird". Do you need to come for tea sometime? Or drop Emmy while you get out? I am still not working regular days until a newborn arrives around Feb. 7. Until then...I have time for you, Mama.

  2. yay...he got that wall down?! how awesome...i bet that makes a huge difference. i sympathize with you on living in a house that is have a serious make over... but it will be so nice in the end! happy that emmy is getting to enjoy her first foods...that is so fun. oh yeah, and about the liver. we did it raw. if you ground it up in a blender or something it makes it smooth enough. it made me gag though. its pretty gross.

  3. That first shot of Emmy standing in her crib with food on her face and hair made my chuckle out loud. Love your posts, Liz. :)
