Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sort-of Spring !

So excited about the temperatures this week, reaching into the 50s and 60s!
Took the opportunity to switch out our wreath, and to purchase our home's ::first ever:: Welcome mat. :)
Emmy was so excited to get to play outside, (She asked for "Hope!" on the bumpy parts of the sidewalk)..
and of course to shout out her friendly greetings to anyone who would listen, even the skateboarding teenagers, hehe.
(I love her little shadow.)

Winter, you were fun but you were way too long! We trust God for you, but we are glad you are leaving our lives soon.

^& I must admit, she did not get out to play in every snow storm. After awhile, it just got to be too much! Not sure I'll be able to get away with that next winter:) But we will definitely be getting out for every warm Springy day that comes our way.

( Thank you Lord for changing seasons! And how everything seems more joyful and magical, imagining it through the eyes of a little one. )

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