Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Oh yeah...we have a blog!

Well, A lot has happened since I last wrote. That was April...and now it is February! You could say we have a completely different life since then actually! So, here is quick summary/list of excuses as to why we've been too busy to post on here:

1.We moved! That was a long story that began right around the time I stopped writing on here...which I'll spare you all the details- because if you are the kind of friend who reads our blog, you probably know the story;) Anyway, we are so thankful for this new home God provided for us! I still am pinching myself.
2. I was hugely pregnant with a baby girl. In this picture, I had 3 more months to go. But I like to pretend this is the size I stopped at;) And that is our cute little front porch! which I am dreaming of getting use out of again hopefully soon as Spring comes our way.
3. Emmylou turned 2! Now she is 2 and half, going on 16, as we like to say. If you have spent any time with her, you understand.
& I am often finding her around the house deep in elaborate imaginative play, such as shown above. She is such fun.

4. My sister Dot moved in with us for the school year! She is the "artist in residence" at Millersville University nearby. I love having my sister here.
5. The biggest change of them all is, of course, Sadie Joan joining our family! She was born in our new home, on October 13th, and she weighed one ounce away from 9 pounds(!) ,She is the most pleasant and happy baby ever.
She just turned 4 months old this month! She is just getting to the point where she is really interacting with us and reaching out and trying to play with things.We are so excited for Spring and Summer ahead in our new home with our little family.

 Ok, so we are back! & Hoping to post on here once or twice a week :) That's my goal.

See you soon!
With love,