Emmy is now 4 months old, and I have not done a very good job of being one of those sweet mothers who takes a cute picture of her baby each month- with a creative theme and handwritten sign to document growth and milestones. I have seen quite a few of those, and always have thought that was such a good idea to show how the babies change so much each month in their first year. But well, it just didn't happen. But I have sort of made an attempt!...So, here is my bad collection of photos- all taken on or around the new month mark. Somehow, it always seems to be that I become inspired to take these pictures on a laundry day, and so Emmylou is wearing an interesting outfit. But oh well:) Ok, starting with pictures of her birth-day(July 19th):
One month: Don't get used to the sign:)
Two months:
And four: