Thursday, July 11, 2013

The 4th and 5th of July,

 We spent the 4th of July at my parent's house. It was a smaller crowd then usual, but it was a fun time. It was pretty much all girls this year actually!, except for Bron and my Dad. 

My littlest sister Maddie and Emmy. I've been catching myself calling Emmy 'Maddie' alot lately! They are similar to eachother in personality I think. Or maybe I just still think of Maddie as a toddler. (Sorry Maddie!)
barefeet in a hammock.

Here is Emmylou and Delphine staring at eachother, ^ hehe.

And since the 4th was on a Thursday, Bron was off on Friday! So he spent the morning cleaning out our cute little back porch that we've never used since we've been married. I am searching Craigslist every day for a wicker set for this place! I've been too late about three or four times, *sigh*, Oh well! We finally hung up our red Fisher Price swing that I got on a super sale a month or two ago. Emmy had a look on her face like she couldn't believe this was her life!

 It was in the mid 90s at this point, and she didn't seem to mind a bit. We love her sweaty baby curls!

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