The first weekend of the month was spent with our favorite people in State College! Tom and Jane hung out with Emmy, while Bron and I got a chance to be together outside in the pretty fall weather. I got to ride Bron's mom's old red bicycle, which was special for me:) And Bron was able to get some outdoor practice shooting his bow- much more space and time for that in his old backyard, than in our basement at 5:30am before work.
Another special thing for us- we discovered it's possible to take Emmy out in a public setting! We chose our place carefully...Lyndon diner, a favorite of ours. It is also where we had our first 'sort-of date', so that is always pleasant and meaningful for us. She did such a good job! I think the big tvs helped, and all the people to look at.
The month was full of all kinds of things, like late-ish evenings watching the political debates together (all 3 of us) on the live internet feed, a hunting weekend, and a hurricane-which closed down all the schools, but Bron still went to work because he's that kind of man. Our friends/tenants downstairs moved out, which is sad and marks the end of an era for us. But we have in mind someone who may be able to take that spot:)
I started going to a group at a church nearby, a friend invited me- excited about that, except I still haven't been brave enough to leave Emmy in childcare! We'll see. Also began getting milk from a farm on a weekly basis with two friends from church,which I had success making kefir and ricotta with-a fun little endeavor for me during Emmy's naps. And I bought lots of bulk meat from a farm, touched it with my own hands and weighed and seperated it into portions for dinners!- a funny moment for me, to remember how I was a vegetarian before I met Bron, hehe.
I think this was the month that we are really getting into a rhythm with Emmylou and feeling more like a family. God is kind and faithful.
She is doing all sorts of fun new things-which I shall devote a post to soon.
Oh, and of course- the month of the cloth diapers! which we are loving now actually:)
Ps-those flannel sheets you see she is laying on have been a desire of my heart since this time last year! The Lord provided them for cheap at TJMaxx- so comfy and warm and worth the wait.
aw, how happy. i love all these things.