Tuesday, September 25, 2012

my favorite thing about being a mom,

Whenever people ask me what my favorite thing about being a mom is, it does not take me very long to think before sharing my answer. It is definitely watching Bron interact with Emmylou. She just adores him, and responds to his voice, and gets so excited when he gets home from work. It is so special to be the girls at home, waiting for our favorite man in the world to be home with us.
Bron is getting excited to do some hunting this fall, so he's trying to clean out the freezer to make space for all the meat to come. He has been cooking up venison and caribou and antelope from his friend Clifton that we haven't used yet. Here is a picture from our dinner, it is a blurry one- but a happy memory. Someday we'll look back on our days eating antelope roast on the picnic table in the kitchen. Emmy doesn't usually last very long in her seat while we eat!

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